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[Proxy Servertinyproxy-1.4.3pre7.tar

Description: 轻型http代理服务器- Light http proxy server
Platform: | Size: 196608 | Author: 站长 | Hits:

[Web Serverwebservver

Description: 一个web服务器,支持断点续传,是偶写的作业-a web server, support for HTTP, even write operations
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: 丁雷 | Hits:

[Proxy ServerHTTPProxyServer

Description: HTTP代理服务器,并发,支持POST,偶的作业。-HTTP proxy server, with support POST, the dual operations.
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: 丁雷 | Hits:

[Web Serverthttpd

Description: 一个linux下的小web服务器源码-of a small web server source
Platform: | Size: 169984 | Author: 阿飞 | Hits:


Description: linux下http代理,经过自己测试,运行后,可以在ie中设置相应代理服务器即可。具体操作见说明文档-under http agents, after their tests, operation, ie the corresponding set the proxy server can be. The specific see documentation
Platform: | Size: 38912 | Author: 潘绪东 | Hits:


Description: linux下用c语言实现的一个ftp程序,包括server和client-using the C Language an ftp procedures, including server and client
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: god | Hits:


Description: 非常优秀的linux嵌入式http服务器,可以根据需要进行裁减-Good http server used in embeded linux. You can use it and cut it as your need.
Platform: | Size: 132096 | Author: qq | Hits:

[Streaming Mpeg4komssys-0.3.6.tar

Description: The KOM(S) Streaming System provides a server, a client, and a proxy cache for audio/video streaming. The first and foremost encoding format that we use is MPEG-1 System. The primary platforms is Linux. It does not handle data in pull mode (File, HTTP and FTP) but uses RTSP/RTP (and Files). It uses RTSP as control protocol to communicate with possible streaming servers. The video data is transported via RTP. -The KOM (S) Streaming System provides a ser ver, a client, and a proxy cache for audio/video streaming. Th e first and foremost encoding format that we use is MPEG-1 System. The primary platforms is Linu x. It does not handle data in pull mode (File, HTTP and FTP), but uses RTSP/RTP (and Files). It u ses RTSP as control protocol to communicate wit h possible streaming servers. The video data is transported via RTP.
Platform: | Size: 1266688 | Author: 向军 | Hits:

[Web Serverbnbt_daibei_src

Description: 岱北聆泉站的BT发布服务器程序 http://bt.daibei.net linux下C++开发的,效率很高 -Dai North Station Master Luk BT released server http :// C bt.daibei.net linux development, high efficiency
Platform: | Size: 926720 | Author: 韩林 | Hits:

[Embeded Linuxlinuxhttpd

Description: 这是一个简单的用C语言写的http服务器源代码,在arm9硬件平台linux操作系统上通过。-This is a simple C language to write the http server source code, arm9 the Linux operating system hardware platform adopted.
Platform: | Size: 48128 | Author: chenfengwu | Hits:


Description: 多线程HTTP服务器程序.Linux下开发的心得笔记 包括加锁的问题、内核编程的一些注意事项、内核程序风格的注意事项、为操作函数集等和一些源码。-multithreaded HTTP server. Linux development experience including lockable Notes, some kernel programming note, the kernel procedures style matters to the attention of the operation function set, and some source code.
Platform: | Size: 26624 | Author: sp | Hits:


Description: LINUX简单嵌入式Web服务器实验,希望对大家有用。-LINUX Embedded Web server simple experiment, we hope that the right useful.
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: 我哦我 | Hits:


Description: 在ARM开发平台实现一个简单WEB服务器的HTTP测试程序-ARM development platform in the realization of a simple WEB server HTTP test procedures
Platform: | Size: 50176 | Author: 曹鹏 | Hits:

[Embeded Linuxhttpd

Description: S3C2410 Linux 平台下,万维网服务器通信程序。-S3C2410 Linux platform, the World Wide Web server communication program.
Platform: | Size: 53248 | Author: mo | Hits:


Description: 模拟http服务器 模拟http协议的一个服务器端 运行之后能用IE连接-Analog simulation http protocol http server, a server-side can be used to run IE after connecting
Platform: | Size: 81920 | Author: jshan | Hits:

[Ftp Servercode

Description: linux下的FTP服务器,使用C开发,GCC编译;实现文件的上传、下载、断点续传;技术点:守候进程、进程间通讯、管道、soket编程、文件I/O标准库函数与系统调用、文件权限管理-FTP server under linux, using the C Development, GCC compiler file upload, download, HTTP technical point: waiting for the process of inter-process communications, pipelines, soket programming, file I/O standard library function and system call, file rights management
Platform: | Size: 53248 | Author: yeliu | Hits:


Description: linux下的FTP服务器,使用C开发,GCC编译;实现文件的上传、下载、断点续传;技术点:守候进程、进程间通讯、管道、soket编程、文件I/O标准库函数与系统调用、文件权限管理-FTP server under linux, using the C Development, GCC compiler file upload, download, HTTP technical point: waiting for the process of inter-process communications, pipelines, soket programming, file I/O standard library function and system call, file rights management
Platform: | Size: 28167168 | Author: 王文星 | Hits:


Description: MiniWeb is an embeddable, cross-platform, small-footprint HTTP server implementation, implementing basic GET and POST requests as well as request handling dynamic content generating. It works on x86 (Windows/Linux), ARM, MIPS and any posix platforms, either embedded or standalone.
Platform: | Size: 219136 | Author: Oziel | Hits:


Description: httpd服务器的实现与开发。。。。。。(Implementation and development of httpd server......)
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: brian_galaxy | Hits:

[Internet-Networkhttp server

Description: 基于linux 通过c 实现web server,适合新手学习,然后通过项目巩固一下知识点,也可以了解http协议。(Linux based on server through C implementation of web, suitable for novices to learn, and then consolidate the knowledge through the project point, you can also understand the HTTP protocol.)
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 睡袋 | Hits:
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